Essential Home Maintenance Tips: Water Heater Drainage, Lock Replacement, and Hinge Care

Essential Home Maintenance Tips: Water Heater Drainage, Lock Replacement, and Hinge Care

Keeping your home in good condition involves regular maintenance and attention to various aspects. In this article, we will discuss three important home maintenance tips that can help you ensure the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system, enhance security, and maintain smooth door operation. By following these simple steps, you can proactively address common issues and potentially save yourself from costly repairs down the line.

Plumbing Tip: Drain Your Water Heater Once a Year

Your water heater plays a vital role in providing hot water for various household activities. Over time, sediment and mineral deposits can accumulate in the tank, reducing its efficiency and potentially causing damage. By draining your water heater once a year, you can remove these deposits and keep your system running smoothly.

Here’s how to do it:

Turn off the power supply to the water heater.
Attach a garden hose to the drain valve located near the bottom of the tank.
Place the other end of the hose in a suitable drainage area or connect it to a nearby floor drain.
Open the drain valve and allow the water to flow out until it runs clear.
Close the drain valve and remove the hose.
Turn on the water supply and wait for the tank to fill completely.
Once the tank is filled, turn on the power supply.

By performing this simple maintenance task annually, you can improve the efficiency and lifespan of your water heater.

Locks Tip: Replace Short Screws with Longer Ones for Latch, Strike, and Deadbolt

Ensuring the security of your home is of utmost importance. One often overlooked aspect is the length of the screws used to secure locks, latches, strikes, and deadbolts. Many standard screws provided with locksets are usually short and may not provide sufficient strength against forced entry.

To reinforce the security of your doors, replace the short screws with longer ones. Ideally, a 4-inch screw is recommended for enhanced security. By extending the screw length, you increase the engagement with the door frame, making it more resistant to forced entry attempts.

Take the following steps to replace the screws:

Remove the existing short screws from the latch, strike plate, and deadbolt plate.
Replace them with longer 4-inch screws, ensuring they penetrate deeply into the door frame.
Tighten the screws firmly, but be cautious not to overtighten and damage the door or frame.

This simple upgrade can significantly improve the security of your home and provide you with peace of mind.

Hinges: Annual WD-40 Application for Smooth Operation

Hinges are integral components of your doors, allowing them to open and close smoothly. Over time, dust, dirt, and moisture can accumulate, leading to squeaky hinges and difficulty in movement. By applying WD-40 or a similar lubricant to your hinges once a year, you can maintain their functionality and prevent unnecessary wear and tear.

Here’s what you can do:

Obtain a can of WD-40 or a suitable lubricant.
Spray a small amount of lubricant on the hinge pins and the joints.
Move the door back and forth several times to distribute the lubricant evenly.
Wipe off any excess lubricant with a clean cloth.

Performing this simple maintenance task annually will keep your hinges in good working condition, allowing your doors to operate smoothly and quietly.


Regular home maintenance is essential for preserving the efficiency, security, and functionality of various components in your house. By incorporating these tips into your annual maintenance routine, you can help extend the lifespan of your water heater, enhance the security of your home, and ensure smooth door operation. Investing a little time